quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2015

The knowledge that circulates through the streets (1)

The knowledge that circulates through the streets (1)

People, ideas and cities are born one day. Ideas and cities are born or reborn with new visions and new interpretations, new and others participating, reinventing and innovating. A knowledge is emerging through the streets, not recent, but engaging. Is necessary to recognize, interpret it, and reinterpret. And the respect for a new renaissance, a new society. This knowledge establishes criteria of spaces and rules for the society to advance in the new concepts of information and knowledge.

Information and communications, circulating through the streets, and even in his palm. A new society with a respect among the participating groups, between majorities and minorities.

The Brazil is the result of invasions and occupations; migration and immigration; born and reborn with the influences left and absorbed by other peoples, other cities and other countries. Lives and revive with influences coming from other lands, associated to the people and the local culture, a society that is always changing.

Calls cave paintings were aimed knowledge or information to be transmitted. Information and knowledge, which could serve to those present as they were spelled the images on the rock (archaeological matrix); could serve a gathered group formed after the spelling before a facilitator and communicator. As could also be designed to nearby elements of a group there one day come to pass. Wanderers, explorers, hunters or simple collectors of wild fruits. People of the same group could understand their meaning there printed. The presence of billboards is common in companies, barracks and schools, usually located in corridors and places of great flow of people, to inform those who pass by there, as the archaeological matrix, modernized and updated.

The classroom as a cave that houses a knowledge. Until this day, teachers write on walls to which this group in the classroom understand the meanings of transmitted learning, for texts and symbols placed by teachers on the blackboard. Along a didactic history teachers have written on the walls with chalk and felt pens, the updated archaeological matrix, according to a time and a time. The fire that lit the caves was replaced by bulbs, which in addition to better illuminate the environment, symbolize ideas.

Today with technology, teachers and lecturers, can project images designed, planned and desired on a screen or a wall. Teachers and lecturers can also provide recording your information in pen-drives, or to e-mail. For other groups elsewhere also understand, interpret and understand the ideas and meanings presented.

And the archaeological matrix is ​​updated again, and can be observed in other environments, with other plans, such as a computer screen. The media or the information transfer medium gained mobility. Out of a static element, since the use of paper, transportable from one site to another. Technology advances, but does not forget its entirety and previous models. With paper and without projectors, was already used the flip-chart, classes and lectures.

As people before the limits recognized as the historical period left marks and written in caves and stone walls, for other hikers, society will leave information on streets and sidewalks (another new array) to others that there is past. While in the past the media could be a rock, forming a wall or a floor, today the media has cement and asphalt, which will leave an impression with information along the way. The evolution and today's technology, enable vertical and horizontal information, independent of space.

On the road or on the concrete of the sidewalk (horizontal) there is information that leave and transmit information or knowledge. Poles and stakes with plates (vertical), other information and knowledge. Information and knowledge that are valid for this moment. Coded information with a greater breadth of understanding and recognition. 

Many groups already know and recognize the written information and entered the streets. A language with international recognition.

There are information of a group or another wanderer group, which are printed on the streets. But information generated by a company with a backing of public power, which spells the information. Symbols and information acronyms that preserve the space of small groups, or different groups. Creating respect between different groups, as offsets strategies and coexistence.

Other groups may leave their spellings in walls and walls of unreasonable or unlawful. Try to highlight on a society that does not respect or do not recognize. His designs are your voice. With its graffiti can change the visibility of graphic symbols recognized by society.

Today's society no longer lives in caves and not transits trails and shortcuts. But living in houses and apartments and transits streets and sidewalks. Changed the concepts and housing and transportation models. Changed habits and protection systems. They moved weapons and equipment to the current locomotion. And a language with symbols (komunikologia), is being inserted in the streets and avenues, public walkways and driveways. Information so that the next passersby can know what Spaces to others, and which it is intended. What is possible and what is not possible, without disturbing or get in the way of others.

Symbols that disseminate an information and knowledge. Symbols determine and classify the power of accessibility, respecting one with mobility limitations. Besides the mobility limitations of a mobility limitation carrier, a pedestrian also has a limitation of mobility on a motor vehicle. There are several groups and several are the needs, collective or individual.

Entre Natal/RN e Parnamirim/RN
Brasil em 21/01/2015

BR/BRA Palavras chaves: informação, conhecimento, comunicação. Komunikologia.
DE/DEU Suchbegriffe: Information, Wissen, Kommunikation. Kommunikologie.
ES/ESP Palabras clave: la información, el conocimiento, la comunicación. Kommunikologie.
FR/FRA Mots-clés: information, la connaissance, la communication. Kommunikologie.
IT/ITA Parole chiave: informazioni, la conoscenza, la comunicazione. Kommunikologie.
US/USA Keywords: information, knowledge, communication. Kommunikologie.

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