quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2015

The knowledge that circulates through the streets (2)

The knowledge that circulates through the streets (2)

The Old Warrior used to say: Who does not communicate if trumbica; and said also on TV nothing is created, and everything is copied. An allusion to the words of Lavoisier (1743-1794), who said: In nature nothing is created. Nothing is lost, and everything changes. Abelardo Barbosa had everything and was not prose. Get-together borrowed a theorem of science, and led to communication.

The communication this everywhere. Every place and every look can generate information, and produce new knowledge. Recorded and written information on floors and walls. Vertical and horizontal looks provide transversal knowledge. The information comes through the senses. A sky that can announce a change in the weather for the next few hours. A gust of feeling of cold or heat, may indicate a change in temperature.

The sensory information reaches the senses of the human body and by the apparatus designed for the same human. The information comes via computers, radios, TV and etc .. In the streets are also various information. A graphite or a graffiti has information, and a yellow line painted on the ground, marking and delimiting spaces, such as tactile cue tracks.

Caveman leave in search of food. With the great European voyages left in search of spices. The regional tourism offers its visitors typical food of their region. Try a typical dish can be the first physical and organic contact with the culture of a region. Food and information go parallel in history and knowledge. For food and spices was necessary information and knowledge. The first and minor incursions generate the first knowledge.

Abelardo Barbosa better known as get-together, had the habit of distributing food to the public and trophies to the participants, who could also be food. With pineapple and cod, pleased audiences and viewers. Sponsored by a supermarket chain that today is no more, wore a top hat and on his chest a great record the telephone dial, reminding old phones. And carried a horn hanging on the neck, served to disapprove freshmen in your program.

Horn an instrument and a symbol of small traders, who took or take goods tricycles or small carts through the streets, and from door to door, triggering the horn to attract customers. Small traders such as bakers, ice cream shops, pipoqueiros, fishmongers, greengrocers and other "eiros". Each street trader can use a sound, that with time and the recognition will attract the customers.

Pipoqueiros can use besides horns and their voices can also use the aroma of popcorn during the preparation process of your merchandise, as dissemination strategy. The manufacture of food products in public spaces messes with spoons and aromas, smell signaling to taste.

Get-together made associations between the goods and communication, giving opportunities to authors and singers, and the freshmen too, present their opinions in their voices and their songs. Them that in his program had had an opportunity to present their products, such as their imaginations used in his compositions, combined with his knowledge. And having their voices as instruments.

Since ancient times, man had a need to communicate. The biblical text already shows several times a man's communication with God. Communication between heaven and earth. And sometimes silent communication, reaching cries to the heavens. Today we see and observe churches and religions. A with silent prayers, and others with a great cry, remembering torrential rain, thunder and lightning. In addition to communication with God man had the need to communicate with other men, and even animals. People with other addresses, installed in other villages in other cities, other countries and other continents.

The answers always came from the sky. Today man continues his relentless quest to discover life on other planets in search of new planetary neighbors. Just as God could send responses, coming from the sky, many answers are now stored in the clouds, and there may be the answers to a question or request. When the Portuguese faced the seas, can be seen in the sky a coincidence, joining two crosses: the tips of the masts of their ships with the constellation of the Southern Cross.

We continue after coming from the sky answers. We live in search of new sidereal discoveries, so we can one day communicate with the new neighbors. Neighbors with which it can be possible to exchange information, exchange needs and negotiate. As the trade of takeoffs and landings. As ships and planes negotiate your next scales, for some same reasons: supplies and maintenance; and for loading and unloading of goods and passengers. Ships and aircraft circulating in waterways and airways, with rules and obeying navigation criteria, air, sea or inland. We may soon have to establish routes and rules for sidereal travel.

Entre Natal/RN e Parnamirm/RN - Brezil

BR/BRA Palavras chaves: informação, conhecimento, comunicação. Komunikologia.
DE/DEU Suchbegriffe: Information, Wissen, Kommunikation. Kommunikologie.
ES/ESP Palabras clave: la información, el conocimiento, la comunicación. Kommunikologie.
FR/FRA Mots-clés: information, la connaissance, la communication. Kommunikologie.
IT/ITA Parole chiave: informazioni, la conoscenza, la comunicazione. Kommunikologie.
US/USA Keywords: information, knowledge, communication. Kommunikologie.

Original text available in: |Texto original disponible en: |Texto original disponível em:

El conocimiento que circula por las calles (2)

El conocimiento que circula por las calles (2)

El viejo guerrero solía decir: ¿Quién no se comunica si trumbica; y también dijo en la televisión se crea nada, y todo lo que se copia. Una alusión a las palabras de Lavoisier (1743-1794), quien dijo: En la naturaleza nada se crea. Nada se pierde, y todo cambia. Abelardo Barbosa tenía todo y no fue la prosa. Tertulia prestado un teorema de la ciencia, y la llevó a la comunicación.

La comunicación esta en todas partes. Cada lugar y cada mirada pueden generar información, y producir nuevos conocimientos. Grabado y la información escrita en los pisos y paredes. Vertical y miradas horizontales proporcionan conocimiento transversal. La información que llega a través de los sentidos. Un cielo que puede anunciar un cambio en el clima para las próximas horas. Una ráfaga de sensación de frío o de calor, puede indicar un cambio en la temperatura.

La información sensorial alcanza los sentidos del cuerpo humano y por el aparato diseñado para la misma humano. La información que llega a través de computadoras, radios, televisión y etc .. En las calles también son diferentes informaciones. Un grafito o un graffiti tiene la información, y una línea amarilla pintada en el suelo, el marcado y la delimitación de espacios, como pistas de referencia táctiles.

Licencia Caveman en busca de alimento. Con los grandes viajes de la Izquierda Europea en busca de especias. El turismo regional ofrece a sus visitantes comida típica de su región. Pruebe un plato típico puede ser el primer contacto físico y orgánico con la cultura de una región. Alimentos y la información van en paralelo en la historia y el conocimiento. Para alimentos y especias era de la información y el conocimiento necesario. La primera y menores incursiones generan el primer conocimiento.
Abelardo Barbosa mejor conocido como tertulia, tenía la costumbre de la distribución de alimentos al público y trofeos a los participantes, que también podrían ser los alimentos. Con la piña y el bacalao, complacido audiencias y televidentes. Patrocinado por una cadena de supermercados que hoy ya no existe, llevaba un sombrero de copa y en el pecho un gran disco el dial de teléfono, recordando viejos teléfonos. Y llevado a un cuerno que cuelga en el cuello, que se sirve de desaprobar estudiantes de primer año en su programa.

Horn un instrumento y un símbolo de los pequeños comerciantes, que tomaron o toman triciclos bienes o carretones por las calles, y de puerta a puerta, lo que provocó la bocina para atraer clientes. Los pequeños comerciantes, tales como panaderías, heladerías, pipoqueiros, pescaderías, fruterías y otros "Eiros". Cada vendedor ambulante puede utilizar un sonido, que con el tiempo, el reconocimiento será atraer a los clientes.

Pipoqueiros pueden usar además de los cuernos y sus voces también pueden utilizar el aroma de las palomitas de maíz durante el proceso de preparación de su mercancía, como estrategia de difusión. La fabricación de productos alimenticios en los espacios públicos se mete con cucharas y aromas, olor señalización al gusto.

Tertulia hizo las asociaciones entre los productos y la comunicación, dando oportunidades a los autores y cantantes, y los estudiantes de primer año también, presentar sus opiniones en sus voces y sus canciones. A los que en su programa había tenido la oportunidad de presentar sus productos, tales como su imaginación utilizados en sus composiciones, junto con su conocimiento. Y tener sus voces como instrumentos.

Desde tiempos remotos, el hombre tenía una necesidad de comunicarse. El texto bíblico ya muestra varias veces de comunicación del hombre con Dios. La comunicación entre el cielo y la tierra. Y la comunicación a veces silencioso, alcanzando clama al cielo. Hoy vemos y observamos las iglesias y religiones. A con oraciones en silencio, y otros con un gran grito, recordando torrencial lluvia, truenos y relámpagos. Además de la comunicación con Dios, el hombre tuvo la necesidad de comunicarse con los demás hombres, e incluso animales. Las personas con otras direcciones, instalados en otros pueblos de otras ciudades, otros países y otros continentes.

Las respuestas siempre vinieron del cielo. Hoy el hombre continúa su incesante búsqueda para descubrir vida en otros planetas en busca de nuevos planetas vecinos. Así como Dios podría enviar las respuestas, que vienen del cielo, muchas respuestas se almacenan ahora en las nubes, y no pueden ser la respuesta a una pregunta o solicitud. Cuando los portugueses se enfrentaron a los mares, se puede ver en el cielo una coincidencia, la unión de dos cruces: Las puntas de los mástiles de sus barcos con la constelación de la Cruz del Sur.

Seguimos después de venir del cielo respuestas. Vivimos en busca de nuevos descubrimientos siderales, para que podamos comunicarnos un día con los nuevos vecinos. Los vecinos con los que puede ser posible el intercambio de información, las necesidades de cambio y negociar. A medida que el comercio de los despegues y aterrizajes. Como los barcos y aviones negocian sus próximas escalas, para algunos mismas razones: suministros y mantenimiento; y para la carga y descarga de mercancías y pasajeros. Los buques y aeronaves que circulan en las vías navegables y las vías respiratorias, con reglas y obedecen a criterios de navegación, aire, mar o tierra adentro. Pronto puede que tengamos que establecer rutas y reglas para viajes sideral.

Entre Natal/RN e Parnamirm/RN
BR/BRA Palavras chaves: informação, conhecimento, comunicação. Komunikologia.
DE/DEU Suchbegriffe: Information, Wissen, Kommunikation. Kommunikologie.
ES/ESP Palabras clave: la información, el conocimiento, la comunicación. Kommunikologie.
FR/FRA Mots-clés: information, la connaissance, la communication. Kommunikologie.
IT/ITA Parole chiave: informazioni, la conoscenza, la comunicazione. Kommunikologie.
US/USA Keywords: information, knowledge, communication. Kommunikologie.

Texto original disponible en: |Texto original disponível em: | Original text available in:

The knowledge that circulates through the streets (1)

The knowledge that circulates through the streets (1)

People, ideas and cities are born one day. Ideas and cities are born or reborn with new visions and new interpretations, new and others participating, reinventing and innovating. A knowledge is emerging through the streets, not recent, but engaging. Is necessary to recognize, interpret it, and reinterpret. And the respect for a new renaissance, a new society. This knowledge establishes criteria of spaces and rules for the society to advance in the new concepts of information and knowledge.

Information and communications, circulating through the streets, and even in his palm. A new society with a respect among the participating groups, between majorities and minorities.

The Brazil is the result of invasions and occupations; migration and immigration; born and reborn with the influences left and absorbed by other peoples, other cities and other countries. Lives and revive with influences coming from other lands, associated to the people and the local culture, a society that is always changing.

Calls cave paintings were aimed knowledge or information to be transmitted. Information and knowledge, which could serve to those present as they were spelled the images on the rock (archaeological matrix); could serve a gathered group formed after the spelling before a facilitator and communicator. As could also be designed to nearby elements of a group there one day come to pass. Wanderers, explorers, hunters or simple collectors of wild fruits. People of the same group could understand their meaning there printed. The presence of billboards is common in companies, barracks and schools, usually located in corridors and places of great flow of people, to inform those who pass by there, as the archaeological matrix, modernized and updated.

The classroom as a cave that houses a knowledge. Until this day, teachers write on walls to which this group in the classroom understand the meanings of transmitted learning, for texts and symbols placed by teachers on the blackboard. Along a didactic history teachers have written on the walls with chalk and felt pens, the updated archaeological matrix, according to a time and a time. The fire that lit the caves was replaced by bulbs, which in addition to better illuminate the environment, symbolize ideas.

Today with technology, teachers and lecturers, can project images designed, planned and desired on a screen or a wall. Teachers and lecturers can also provide recording your information in pen-drives, or to e-mail. For other groups elsewhere also understand, interpret and understand the ideas and meanings presented.

And the archaeological matrix is ​​updated again, and can be observed in other environments, with other plans, such as a computer screen. The media or the information transfer medium gained mobility. Out of a static element, since the use of paper, transportable from one site to another. Technology advances, but does not forget its entirety and previous models. With paper and without projectors, was already used the flip-chart, classes and lectures.

As people before the limits recognized as the historical period left marks and written in caves and stone walls, for other hikers, society will leave information on streets and sidewalks (another new array) to others that there is past. While in the past the media could be a rock, forming a wall or a floor, today the media has cement and asphalt, which will leave an impression with information along the way. The evolution and today's technology, enable vertical and horizontal information, independent of space.

On the road or on the concrete of the sidewalk (horizontal) there is information that leave and transmit information or knowledge. Poles and stakes with plates (vertical), other information and knowledge. Information and knowledge that are valid for this moment. Coded information with a greater breadth of understanding and recognition. 

Many groups already know and recognize the written information and entered the streets. A language with international recognition.

There are information of a group or another wanderer group, which are printed on the streets. But information generated by a company with a backing of public power, which spells the information. Symbols and information acronyms that preserve the space of small groups, or different groups. Creating respect between different groups, as offsets strategies and coexistence.

Other groups may leave their spellings in walls and walls of unreasonable or unlawful. Try to highlight on a society that does not respect or do not recognize. His designs are your voice. With its graffiti can change the visibility of graphic symbols recognized by society.

Today's society no longer lives in caves and not transits trails and shortcuts. But living in houses and apartments and transits streets and sidewalks. Changed the concepts and housing and transportation models. Changed habits and protection systems. They moved weapons and equipment to the current locomotion. And a language with symbols (komunikologia), is being inserted in the streets and avenues, public walkways and driveways. Information so that the next passersby can know what Spaces to others, and which it is intended. What is possible and what is not possible, without disturbing or get in the way of others.

Symbols that disseminate an information and knowledge. Symbols determine and classify the power of accessibility, respecting one with mobility limitations. Besides the mobility limitations of a mobility limitation carrier, a pedestrian also has a limitation of mobility on a motor vehicle. There are several groups and several are the needs, collective or individual.

Entre Natal/RN e Parnamirim/RN
Brasil em 21/01/2015

BR/BRA Palavras chaves: informação, conhecimento, comunicação. Komunikologia.
DE/DEU Suchbegriffe: Information, Wissen, Kommunikation. Kommunikologie.
ES/ESP Palabras clave: la información, el conocimiento, la comunicación. Kommunikologie.
FR/FRA Mots-clés: information, la connaissance, la communication. Kommunikologie.
IT/ITA Parole chiave: informazioni, la conoscenza, la comunicazione. Kommunikologie.
US/USA Keywords: information, knowledge, communication. Kommunikologie.

Original text available in: |Texto original disponible en: |Texto original disponível em: